Postsecondary Labor and Earnings

This report presents the annual earnings (adjusted to 2022 dollars) of Connecticut’s high school graduates in the (up to) 15 years after they graduate high school, up to money earned in calendar year 2022. It was made possible by the partnership of multiple state agencies including CSDE and the Department of Labor (DOL) via the P20WIN program.

See related links.

¹ HS Graduating Class: A high school graduating class is defined as all students who graduated between September 1 of the previous year and August 31 of the selected year.
² Statewide Data: Select "Clear filter" to see statewide data.
³ Average Annual Earnings: The Average Annual Earnings measure has been adjusted for inflation to 2022 dollars. This measure only includes graduates with earnings in Connecticut during the given year; graduates who were unemployed or employed in a different state are not included. Graduates may be included in some years but not others, depending on their employment status.
⁴ College Credentials: College credentials are reported as ever-earned and are static per person across years. Graduates are considered as having earned a college credential if they have earned a certificate, associate's degree, or bachelor's degree (or higher) at a postsecondary institution within 7 years of high school graduation. Graduates who were enrolled in a postsecondary institution but did not earn a college credential with 7 years are categorized as having some college. Graduates who were never enrolled in a postsecondary institution in the 7 years following high school graduation are categorized has having no college.
* Data are suppressed according to the CSDE's data suppression policy.